Trumpet Movements Harmonized, Effected & Re-Imagined
The second in our "Fragments" series, Trumpet Fragments is a collection of trumpet tones, licks, breaths and stabs, performed by acclaimed trumpet player , harmonized through an Eventide H3000, and synthesized into playable keyboard instruments featuring: cosmic horns, symphonic leads, chord stabs, ambient pads, modulating FX, and more.No Regular Trumpet Pack
Our intention when making this pack was not to mimic an acoustic trumpet, but to re-contextualize the horn within a modern and electronic environment. In fact, the results of this process come closer to some sort of futuristic trumpet-synth than a traditional, canned-trumpet sample pack.
Besides the kick and hi hat, the following piece is composed entirely with Trumpet Fragments:
Why Our Fragments Series Stands Out
As opposed to our normal multi-sampling efforts, which are very effective but sometimes mundane (holding down one note at a time for hours on end!), the Fragments packs are born out of inspired, music sessions that drip with emotion and vibe.
The source material began as an incredible solo Greg improvised on the spot. In fact, it's so good we're saving it for a record and not sharing it - but picture call and response jazz hooks with a robotic twinge, interspersed with wild, spitty squelches as Greg mimicked guitar pedal distortion using only his mouth to add harmonics. Hearing this solo in real life was mind-bending so say the least 🤯.
Tying it all Together
When the source samples have this much musicality, our job is easy. I dug into the solo, and began processing portions of it through a few select pieces of gear, adding harmonies, reverbs, reverses, distortion, and more.
Then, I went about selecting small fragments of those effected audio pieces - sometimes just the attack, sometimes just the tail, and sometimes full riffs. I focused on creating repeating, energetic loops, opting for horn-esc traditional patches, but also more abstract tones and textures.